Building a life that works.

Finding the best ways to get in shape, invest, and make money.

Take Back Your Time

We live in a society dominated by social media. Almost everyone has some type of social media account now, and these newer apps are only growing in popularity. While the idea of social media isn’t inherently bad, apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook are highly addictive. Engineers are working every day to make you spend […]

How To Achieve Your Goals

When I started this blog I had one goal in mind. Test out different side hustles, fitness routines, and other practices to see what works and share my results with you. With all the different ideas in mind, it can be difficult to pick just one. I spend lots of time thinking of ideas, researching, […]

Who am I and what is this blog?

Hello everyone! Thank you for taking a moment to learn a little bit about me and what this blog is about. I hope you enjoy your stay.   Why did you make this blog? My name is Eli, and at the time of this post, I am 20 years old. Over the past two years, […]