Building a life that works.

Finding the best ways to get in shape, invest, and make money.

Take Back Your Time

We live in a society dominated by social media. Almost everyone has some type of social media account now, and these newer apps are only growing in popularity. While the idea of social media isn’t inherently bad, apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook are highly addictive. Engineers are working every day to make you spend […]

Happy December, A Big Book Giveaway, And Some Thoughts On Gratitude

It’s finally December, probably my favorite month of the year. I get to have my birthday and Christmas in the same month. In fact, my birthday is today, December 2. I turn 21 today, so I can legally buy alcohol and stuff now. Anyway, the point of this post wasn’t to celebrate my birthday. Today,  […]

Don’t Waste Your Time, Invest It Wisely

When I was journaling I figured out a way to reframe how I look at how I use my time. I have started thinking about everything I spend my time on as an investment. For example, doing a workout is an investment in my physical health and future body. Reading for 30 minutes is an investment […]