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Don’t Waste Your Time, Invest It Wisely

When I was journaling I figured out a way to reframe how I look at how I use my time. I have started thinking about everything I spend my time on as an investment.

For example, doing a workout is an investment in my physical health and future body.

Reading for 30 minutes is an investment in my knowledge.

Cleaning my room and journaling are both investments in my mental health.

Seeing it this way was crucial for me to start taking action on what I actually wanted to do.

There are also bad investments like passively scrolling social media.

After I realized this I came up with the following exercise.

     1. Understand what you’re working with.

I figured out that I have about 6-8 hours free per day, after accounting for 8 hours of sleep, 1-2 hours of eating and prepping food and working for 5-6 hours per day.

I can use this time however I want, so I have to pick what’s most important to me. This leads to the next step.

      2. List out your priorities

For me, the top things were: physical health, mental health, learning new things, family, and hobbies.

Everyone’s priorities are different. Every hour doesn’t have to be productive, but it should be worthwhile, and that’s for you to decide.

     3. Then, list the activities that correlate with each priority.

So, for me that included working out, meditating, going for a walk, drawing, connecting with family and friends, and reading, and learning about cryptocurrencies.

     4. Build a schedule around these actions. 

Now, you just have to figure out where to put everything into your 16 waking hours. I tried to categorize things by morning and evening, and that helped a little bit. I put meditating, going for a walk, and writing, as morning activities, and reading as a night activity.

When you do something like this, you might find you have more time in a day than you thought. The problem is we spend so much time on BS that isn’t worthwhile.

Since I couldn’t upload the picture, here’s what my schedule looks like:


8:00-8:45 Wake up and go for a walk/run/bike

8:50-9:10 Meditate

9:15- 10:15 Write

10:15-10:55 Study Crypto (I have been really into cryptocurrencies and NFTs for the past month, and want to learn more)

11:00-2:00 DoorDash (this is what I am currently doing for money)

2:00 Eat First Meal

2:30- 3:30 Workout

3:30-4:15 Call/text family and friends

4:15-5:00 Study Crypto (again) & Eat Second Meal

5:00-8:00 DoorDash (again)

8:20-9:20 Practice Drawing

9:20- 10:00 Eat Last Meal

10:00-10:30 Read

10:30-11:30- Journal and get ready for bed

12:00 Sleep


It seems like a lot to do in one day and I haven’t been able to do it all, but after making this schedule and trying to stick to it, I have had much more fulfilling days.

That’s all for this one. I know it was pretty short, but that’s all there is to it. Maybe try it out and see if it works for you. Thanks for reading, and I hope you found this valuable.

Consider following me on social media to see what I am up to, and to get more content from me. All social links can be found in the header or footer menu.

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Eli Yonaitis

personal blog

I am a 21-year-old from Greensboro, NC. I like to play basketball, work out, travel, and spend time with family and friends. After graduating high school I’ve taken a strong interest in self-improvement. In particular, I’m interested in personal finance, physical health, and mental health. Here’s where I will be sharing the journey, and hopefully helping you along the way!

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