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Happy December, A Big Book Giveaway, And Some Thoughts On Gratitude

It’s finally December, probably my favorite month of the year. I get to have my birthday and Christmas in the same month. In fact, my birthday is today, December 2. I turn 21 today, so I can legally buy alcohol and stuff now. Anyway, the point of this post wasn’t to celebrate my birthday. Today,  I want to talk about the book giveaway, and share some thoughts on gratitude

I think December marks the start of the holiday season. All of you have permission to start listening to Christmas music. I am listening to some Christmas music right now to get myself in that joyful mood. To start this month I want to give away some books.

Book Giveaway

Before I get into the giveaway details, it’d probably be good to tell you what the book is about. The full title is Twelve And A Half: Leveraging The Emotional Ingredients For Business Success by Gary Vaynerchuk. The book is meant to change the way people look at and run businesses. People may think that you have to be mean, and treat people unfairly to be successful. This book aims to change that, having traits such as kindness, gratitude, and empathy at the top of the list. Gary is a massively successful entrepreneur and businessman, and he shows us how each ingredient plays into his success. This book isn’t just for people who want to start a business, it’s for anyone who wants to be a leader, or to be successful in general.

Now, you may be wondering why I have so many of this one book, as you saw from the image above. Let’s talk about that.

About 2 months ago, I was lucky enough to catch a YouTube live stream from Gary Vaynerchuk. He was announcing a special offer for his newest book, 12 And A Half. The offer was: for every 12 books you buy, you get 1 NFT gift from him. You might not even know what an NFT is, so to explain it briefly, an NFT is a way to verify ownership of digital goods and assets, like art. These assets can be bought and sold on platforms like OpenSea. Anyways,  I was deep into learning about NFTs at the time, and I didn’t want to miss this. I bought exactly 12 of them, to secure my 1 NFT.

Fast forward to today, and I have 12 books now as you can see from my post on Twitter. I don’t have much use for 12 copies of the same book, so I will be giving away 10 copies to you guys.

The giveaway is currently live on my Twitter page. To enter,

  1. Follow me
  2. Retweet the tweet so more people will see it.


That’s it for the giveaway, I will choose the winners in a week.

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

Before I go, I want to leave you with a quick thought related to Thanksgiving, since it just passed, and I haven’t posted in a while.

After listening to interviews with people who are the best at what they do, a commonality I have noticed with a lot of them is that they practice gratitude every day. When you stop and take some time to appreciate how lucky you are to be alive, and have access to simple things like clean water(almost a billion people on earth don’t have access to clean water), you realize that your problems aren’t as big a deal as you make them out to be. Gratitude can also act as a great fuel or motivator. When I think about how fortunate I am, the thought that usually follows is, why am I not taking full advantage of this opportunity to be alive? This usually is enough to force me to start doing something important to me. Here are a couple of ways I like to practice gratitude.

  1. Take a walk or run in the morning, and notice the little things like the sky, the trees, the sensations of the wind or the sun on my skin, and my ability to move. Just making a mental note of these things has a great impact. I also get to get my blood moving and get vitamin D from the sun.
  2. This one might sound a little crazy. When I wake up, I will check to see if I am alive, and if I am, I just smile. I got this from a video I saw of Sadhguru, an Indian mystic. It is such a simple, yet powerful exercise. Watch the video here.

You can come up with your own ways to practice gratitude, this is just what works for me.

That covers about everything I wanted to. Don’t forget to go to my Twitter, if you want to win 1 of the 10 books.

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Eli Yonaitis

personal blog

I am a 21-year-old from Greensboro, NC. I like to play basketball, work out, travel, and spend time with family and friends. After graduating high school I’ve taken a strong interest in self-improvement. In particular, I’m interested in personal finance, physical health, and mental health. Here’s where I will be sharing the journey, and hopefully helping you along the way!

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