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Getting Rich The Easy Way

Hey everyone, Happy Sunday! It’s been a while, and I apologize for not writing here more. I have been bouncing to a bunch of different things lately

Eli Yonaitis

personal blog

I am a 21-year-old from Greensboro, NC. I like to play basketball, work out, travel, and spend time with family and friends. After graduating high school I’ve taken a strong interest in self-improvement. In particular, I’m interested in personal finance, physical health, and mental health. Here’s where I will be sharing the journey, and hopefully helping you along the way!

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Eli Recommends

Favorite Mental Health Resource

Healthy Gamer provides affordable and accessible mental health support for the younger generations, not just gamers.

My Favorite Books

Check out the books I've read that I found the most valuable, or books I plan on reading.

Favorite Supplement Company

Gorilla Mind provides potent and effective products. Enhance your body and mind with their workout supplements and nootropics.